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Traditional Beer Steins Used by Germans


Stein is a German word that means stone hence beer steins are traditional mugs used in beer drinking and were made of stone. They can be given out as souvenirs to some people while others may buy them in markets or stores to retain them as collectibles in their homes. These beer containers can be made of glassware, porcelain, wood or crystal though most are made of stoneware.


These mugs were made of stone in the earlier days because then, using glass had not yet been introduced. Stone was preferred by stein makers as they could use molds to make a large number of carved steins. Glass produces many steins when used and one can use it to make artistic drawings on them. Making of character steins which are models or shapes designed to represent people can be done by using porcelain.


Collecting beer steins is common among many people who love collecting antiques including museums as well. Beer steins were usually given to those Germans in the military during training. They still kept the mugs even a couple of years later after leaving the military as souvenirs. Find out further details about this at Those that didn't own beer steins made orders from military shops and used them during the first world war. Those in command in the military would have their photos painted on the customized mugs as well as military symbols.


Fabricating of Steins has since then reduced due to lack of resources used in their manufacture and their minimal use in today's world. Some companies still continue to produce them despite this as most tourists love viewing the antiques. Experts are required to identify the differences between original beer steins and those that are counterfeit as distinguishing between the two might be a difficult task.


German Beer Steins are valued highly by most people who want to enjoy a cup of beer due to their superior quality. Most companies avail beer steins at high prices due to their quality and relevance in the society. As a token of appreciation for when they retire, doctors, lawyers, teachers, dentists and many others are given German beer steins. Those that collect beer steins and preserve them at their homes do so as a hobby due to having sentimental attachments to the mugs.


Normal mugs are different from steins as they contain lids at the opening of the mugs which may indicate date of manufacture or their age as well as having other engravings that can be used to determine price of the steins. The lids of beer steins may be in the form of a conical or steeple shape while some may have flat pewter lids.


These kinds of Beer Mugs are the ideal gifts to give to people on special occasions as they hold ornamental importance. Collectors as well as art lovers appreciate them due to their art value.

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